Sam, Freddy, Carly & Spencer



Go to the site
Listen to the song  "leave it all to me"  and complete the exercise on the next page. Remember to sing it out loud! You will sing it in class too!


after our first class!

Our first class was mainly oral, so I suggest you answer the questions and  use at least 5 (five) of the words listed in the blog  in sentences connected to the episode. Use the blog or write to my gmail address.
Good luck!
Remember, I'll be keeping record of everything you do! the more you do, the more you learn! (and of course, the higher marks you get!
Don´t forget to listen to the song!


Class work:

1. You will watch an episode of iCarly. Find out:
a. The name of the episode
b. Where the characters are
c. What is going on at the begining of the espisode

2. Vocabulary
a. pay attention to these words and say who says them in what context:
  • glasses with feet girl
  • rip on a guy
  • crush on him
  • quit it
  • get through
  • roll over
  • bud
  • creeps me out
  • meat drummers
  • obnoxious



Read about the characters: You will tell the teacher what you found out about each of them. Here is the link